Thursday, December 06, 2007

2 girls 1 cup - additional

BTW, I'm *hoping* the video is a fake, but it's difficult to tell, and I'm not watching it again to try and work it out.

2 girls 1 cup

We all know there's some fucked up shit on the Internet, that's what it's for after all.  That said, nothing can prepare you for the first time you see the "2 girls 1 cup" video.

Perhaps I should explain a little; there are a load of videos doing the rounds at the moment showing the reactions of people watching a video and, with the exception of the video of Kermit's reaction, every single one shows people who are utterly, utterly shocked and disgusted.  Of course, in the name of research I tracked down the name of the clip these people had been watching and watched it for myself.

Oh.  My.  God.  I was very nearly sick myself, and actually wish I could go back in time so I could gouge my eyes out with rusty spoons just so I wouldn't then be able to see this video.  I actually still feel ill some 30 minutes or so after having seen it.

I'm not going to link to it for obvious reasons, and if you decide to watch it yourself please be warned it's not nice, it's just very, very wrong.

I'm off to be sick, and then I'm going to give myself a frontal lobotomy in the hope I can erase the memory of this thing from my head.