It struck me today that my attention span seems to be shorter than it used to be. In this age of Wi-Fi enabled laptops and iPhones it's all too easy to get distracted from whatever you were supposed to be doing to check Facebook or look at the latest must see video on YouTube.
I can't remember the last time I actually sat and gave a TV show my full attention - as I write this I'm watching Spooks and doing this too.
That said I do still have time to ponder the important things in life. Scotch eggs for example.
Scotch eggs are a marvellous food. Not only are they a fantastically tasty meaty eggy snack, they also provide some good questions to ponder in the pub. For example, do they have a machine that takes the shells off the eggs or is it someones job to remove the shells? This is the sort of question that quite frankly I don't have the answer to but wish I did.
I would continue but I'm being distracted by Facebook....