People talk of Britain becoming a nanny state, and although this may be true to some extent, I never realised how bad it was until I saw that Channel 5 had given ‘Flubber’ a G for guidance rating. I mean, this is a film aimed at primary school kids – surely it can’t be that bad, can it?
Something I’ve noticed recently is the huge number of “Top 100 greatest ever…” type TV shows that seem to be appearing at the moment. I’ve noticed at least three different ones over the last two days, and I don’t even have satellite. Be it the greatest ever adverts, documentaries, music videos, whatever, they all follow the exact same format – a few D-List celebs get wheeled in to talk about the clips, whilst Graham Norton or Jimmy Carr make the odd quip before and after the ad breaks. Surely we’ve had enough of these now, haven’t we, or do we have to wait until we see the Top 100 greatest ever Top 100 greatest ever shows?
So, back to ‘Flubber’ – so far I’ve not noticed anything particularly worthy of a guidance rating. I’m only watching it to see whether the rating is justified of course.
Jamie Oliver, the fat-tongued mockney, is currently cropping up in virtually every advert break, peddling Sainsbury’s products for Christmas. Somebody please shoot me, and quickly.
I’ve decided – ‘Flubber’ gets a C rating, for crap.
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