Friday, July 17, 2009

Star wars

It's well known that there are many errors and strange things going on
in Star Wars, but I've never seen anyone comment on one rather large
plot hole.

You'll all remember that Han, Luke et al board the Millenium Falcon at
Mos Eisley under a barrage of laser fire from the imperial storm
troopers. You'll also remember then that but a few scenes later the
Millenium Falcon is pulled in to the Death Star, whereupon it is
searched. Cue Storm Troopers finding nobody aboard and accepting that
as a possibility.

Quite apart from the fact they're suggesting a space ship can pilot
itself through hyperspace sans crew, surely their comrades back on Mos
Eisley would have phoned ahead and told them to expect a ship with
three people, 2 droids and a walking carpet on board? No? Maybe the
storm troopers were in the Cantina bar getting drunk.....

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Water, water everywhere

I've been thinking. Not particularly hard (as will become evident momentarily) but thinking nonetheless.

People ae always harping on about people wasting water, but I submit to you that this is, in fact, impossible.

Think about it for a minute: any 'wasted' water goes down the drain. Where does this water go? It either goes back to the sea (via the sewers) or back in to the water table where it will eventually reach a river somewhere. Whatever, the water always ends up back in the sea eventually, where it evaporates and becomes rain, which then goes back in to lakes / rivers, whatever. It's a closed system. So, next time someone accuses you of wasting water, refer them to the water cycle. And then go brush your teeth with the water running.