Thursday, December 06, 2007

2 girls 1 cup - additional

BTW, I'm *hoping* the video is a fake, but it's difficult to tell, and I'm not watching it again to try and work it out.

2 girls 1 cup

We all know there's some fucked up shit on the Internet, that's what it's for after all.  That said, nothing can prepare you for the first time you see the "2 girls 1 cup" video.

Perhaps I should explain a little; there are a load of videos doing the rounds at the moment showing the reactions of people watching a video and, with the exception of the video of Kermit's reaction, every single one shows people who are utterly, utterly shocked and disgusted.  Of course, in the name of research I tracked down the name of the clip these people had been watching and watched it for myself.

Oh.  My.  God.  I was very nearly sick myself, and actually wish I could go back in time so I could gouge my eyes out with rusty spoons just so I wouldn't then be able to see this video.  I actually still feel ill some 30 minutes or so after having seen it.

I'm not going to link to it for obvious reasons, and if you decide to watch it yourself please be warned it's not nice, it's just very, very wrong.

I'm off to be sick, and then I'm going to give myself a frontal lobotomy in the hope I can erase the memory of this thing from my head. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stuff, things and other stuff and things

Don't ask me why, but the lyrics to that song that goes "you're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you don't you" popped in to my head earlier.  I thought about it for a second, and came to the conclusion that the singer is an arse.  Let me elaborate....
The singer is singing the song directly to someone, that much is patently obvious by the use of the words "you're" and "you".  To then try and claim the song isn't about the person being sung at is ludicrous.  Anyway, from the completely random to the just as completely random.....
As some of you may already know, I'm being made redundant in a (at the time of writing at least) 2 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 19 seconds.  Which I'm more than happy about.  The thing that's pissing a few people off right now is the fact that we're still here, pretending to work and already the desks are being removed, computers taken to other parts of the building and etc.  We've not even bloody left yet.  Once again Barclays show their usual tact and diplomacy.  Bastards.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I wish I was a station announcer

I passed through Kings Cross earlier this evening (no I wasn't looking for a good time) and was witness to the complete inability of adult human beings to follow even the most simple of instructions.

There were a load of people waiting at the entrance to platform 1, and as the train arriving at said platform pulled in to the station the announcer dude made a (very clear) announcement telling people not to enter platform 1 until the train had come to a stop. Twice. Obviously then a load of people started walking on to the platform. The station announcer might as well have been speaking Portugese. Or perhaps Welsh. Why these people decided to completely ignore the announcement I don't know. Perhaps they were Welsh.

I decided there and then that I want to be a station announcer. Had I been today you would have heard the following from the PA system:

Please do not enter platform 1 until the train arriving has stopped. Hello? Everyone walking on to platform 1, are you deaf or stupid. I said do NOT enter platform 1. As in the negative form of do. I might as well be speaking to myself. Fine, do what you like, see if I care....

I think I'd be good at that job.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Late for work

As I write this I'm sat on a bus heading in the exact opposite direction to the direction I need to head to get to work. To say I'm going to be late today is somewhat of an understatement.

My excuse this morning is that my alarm didn't go off. Although this is 100% true the point is rendered moot by the fact it didn't go off whilst I was asleep in a different town to that in which I live. Of course, my boss doesn't need to know that.

I can get away with this for two reasons. Firstly, I'm being made redundant and don't care enough to be bothered about punctuality, and secondly I have a trusted colleague covering for me should the boss phone the office looking for me. It always pays to have someone who's willing to bullshit for you in an emergency, especially if you can pay them wih crisps and cans of Cherry Coke.

Today's excuse is probably the worst one I've used for some time. My favourite still has to be 'my washing machine flooded the kitchen'. I phoned that one in whilst curled up on the sofa with the girl who'd spent the night with me, drinking tea and generally not giving two shits and a fuck about being in the office. I should have been given an Oscar for my performance that morning. On the phone.

The all time best excuse (which I've yet to use) for being late / not going to work has to be 'I shat myself on the train'. Enjoy that mental image.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pesky blog software

Hi all,
Apologies for the lack of updates - I've been experiencing a few technical problems of late, which basically resulted in a very funny and well written post simply disappearing in to the ether.  Which was nice, and wasn't a total waste of half an hour. 
This may help to explain the previous post, which was basically a test.  Unfortunately, as I've mentioned previously, my IT department are bastards, and I can't log in to my blog account to remove it.  Peh!
So then, what's happened since my last post?
Ah yes, the fireworks party.
We decided to have a fireworks party and obviously the women in our social group were not to be trusted with an important task like going firework shopping, so three of us went down to the local explosives shop with some cash, and set about buying the best fireworks we could.  There were two main criteria - they had to be huge, and if possible, they also had to have a good name.  We therefore ended up with fireworks either called things like "Armageddon" or "Criss cross crabs after sweetcorn".  I still think we should have bought "Happy swan after amazing lay" but we had already reached our budget of *cough cough splutter*....
So, we returned with a large box of very large fireworks, and proceeded to get drunk and put on a display.  Which was fine, until we got to the point where we decided to launch three rockets simultaneously.  Rocket one went shooting in to the sky, rocket two failed to light, and rocket three decided it wasn't going anywhere, but was instead going to explode in the garden.  Cue the two words you never want to hear at a fireworks party ("Shit!  RUN!") followed by some very swift exits from the garden.
I don't know if you've ever seen a large rocket explode from about ten meters away, but it's bloody impressive.  What was more impressive was nobody died.  There was a lovely crater in the lawn though. 

Ignore this post

Nothing to see here, move along

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Some people should get out more

I was on a website the other day which had a load of questions fans of 'Friends' had asked someone who worked on the show. One of the questions asked was 'Is Rachel a Green or a Greene?'.

I have a question. Who cares? Why does anyone need to know this? I mean, I know a lot of useless shit about lots of stuff, but even I don't care whether Rachel's surname ends with an 'e' or not.

I'm not being funny, but imagine you have an oportunity to ask the creators of Friends one question - anything you like. You could ask about the writing, secrets from behind the scenes, anything. But no, you ask if Rachel's a Greene or a Green. Idiots.

Iin case you're that demented and sad that you want to know, it's Green, without an 'e'.

I should point out that the only reason I know that is because I checked - I actually do research things for this blog occasionally.

If I really wanted to scare you with completely useless knowledge I could share the things I know about Howard from the Halifax adverts. I won't though, for two reasons: firstly, it's really useless information, and secondly, there's an outside chance that Howard could sue me for libel as at least one bit of information is unverified, although if it's true it's very funny.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The most disgusting thing ever. Ever.

My landlord is selling the house I live in, and obviously has to get surveyors and bearded blokes with self-propelling pencils who know lots about bricks to come and look at the house.  Not a problem, I left my bedroom door unlocked and made sure I hadn't left any money, expensive computer equipment or Class A drugs lying around and off I went to work.  My room's fairly tidy so I've no reason to not let people in there for whatever reason.  I've even had girls in there. 
So anyway, the next day I got home and was chatting to my housemate (let's call him "Bob"), who mentioned the previous day had been somewhat interesting.  It transpires that the landlord had come around with the various blokes and a mate of his to look around the house.  They disappeared upstairs to look at housemate number 3's room, and called for "Bob" to come up and have a look.
The guys had gone in to housemate number 3's room and discovered it to be slightly untidy.  Slightly untidy in the same way a city dump might be described as slightly untidy.  They discovered the following:
  • 8 months worth of empty beer cans
  • Hundreds of empty cigarette packets
  • Carrier bags full (as in completely full and plural) of cigarette butts
  • Carrier bags full of vomit
  • Carrier bags full of shit
  • All the missing plates, bowls, cuttlery, glasses, mugs etc. which have gone missing over the last few months

Also, the mattress for the bed was half on the bed, half off, torn, ripped, burnt with cigarettes....  You can't even see the carpet.

You may think I'm exaggerating in the name of artistic license but I can assure you I'm not.  Seriously, you can't make this up.  I live with Sidcup's own Mr Treebus. 

I'm off to be sick in a plastic carrier bag....

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Oh, and sorry for the shite formatting below - this is exactly why I don't
use Hotmail unless I really have to....

Oh Christ, that's the wrong jar!

Bloody hell, can you believe I've been writing this thing for two years?

BTW, I've been having problems with my Email so if this has been posted
multiple times I apologise, it's really not my fault. Anyway.....

I'm going to try and make more of an effort to write more regularly on this
here blog, as I fully acknowledge I've been a bit lax recently. I would
come up with an excuse, but it's mainly because fundamentally I'm a lazy
bastard. I'm also going to try and write more than a couple of hundred
words in each post.

That said, it's not always easy - not having a TV doesn't help as I now have
to actively go and find out what's been going on in the world, as opposed to
flicking to Sky News. I suppose this could be useful from a "getting
information from more than one source and making my own decisions about
what's true and what's media bullshit" perspective, but as I already
mentioned, I'm a lazy bastard so I'll probably just get all my news from Sky
News online. Oh, and Popbitch, natch.

Anyway, enough, on with todays post.

I was making a chilli last night, and as always I laid all my ingredients
out before I began to make sure I had everything I need. One quick dash to
the corner shop to buy some rice later I had everything required. I checked
the various spice jars were sufficiently full and decided the cayenne pepper
jar was running a bit low. Luckily I had a refill, so I emptied a refill
packet in to the jar and carried on preparing dinner.

Everything was going fine until I started adding the various spices and
peppers and things. I'd already added two large forkfulls of lazy chillis
and a good amount of hot chilli powder, and decided to add some hot paprika
and the cayenne pepper. It was only after I'd added the cayenne pepper that
I noticed the cayenne pepper jar still seemed a bit empty. It was also
around then that I noticed the hot paprika jar seemed more full than I
remembered it being.

Oh shit, thought I, I know what I've done here.

I had managed to add the cayenne pepper refill to the wrong jar, and then
proceeded to add a LOT of the stuff thinking it was paprika, and then some
more based on the usual amount of cayenne pepper I'd use.

Needless to say the chilli was awesome, if a little hotter than I usually
would make. My co-workers aren't impressed though.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Taking over the world

I was watching Independence Day the other day and something occurred to me - the aliens who want to take over the planet always fly down to Earth and take us on, and we have tanks and nukes and shit, which inevitably destroy the advancing alien hordes. Oh, and Tom Jones works too.

The thing is, surely it would make more sense for the aliens to destroy the moon. It's undefended for a start, and would be fairly simple for an advanced alien race to destroy.

Once the moon was destroyed, all the aliens would need to do would be to sit back and watch us get destroyed by floods and hurricanes and things, and then when we're all dead pop down in their spaceship with a flag and they've got themselves a planet.

It would make a shit film though, obviously.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Table for one

It's been a strange night - I'm away on business in sunny Leeds and, unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances I ended up on my own instead of out with some friends.

I lived in a hotel in Leeds for four months so I'm quite comfortable sitting in a hotel bar having a beer on my own and watching the telly. For some reason drinking alone in hotel bars is acceptable (I'm doing it right now).

The thing is, hotel food is shit and overpriced, and the Leets Marriott is about twenty seconds away from two of the best restajurants in the city. So, I decided I should go have a decent meal as the company are paying.

The thing is, I've never gone to a restaurant on my own before, and it kind of strange walking in and asking for a table for one.

To be fait, the maitre d' was fine with it, found me a table (right next to the biggest group of people there just to highlight my sadness I'm sure) and I had a fantastic meal and some lovely wine.

This, I've decided, is a good thing - firstly, it shows that there's nothing wrong with eating alone and secondly, it puts me in good stead for my trip around the world when eating alone will become commonplace.

It was also nice to sit and have a lovely meal withbout having to make small talk and worry about whether the other person or persons were enjoying themselves, or whether they were sneakily ordering bottles of bollinger when I wasn't looking.

Oh, and the sea bass was excellent.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Getting sweaty

I was thinking the other day - how is it that your skin is waterproof, which is obviously very ueful when you take a shower for example, but sweat can get out? Is it just me that finds that somewhat odd?

Also, how come when you open your eyes underwater your head doesn't flood from water coming in through your tear ducts? Or through your ears?

It's all very strange.

This needs some thought, and maybe some investigation on wikipedia.

Monday, August 06, 2007

My IT department are bastards

I got in to work last Friday to discover Facebook has been blocked at work.  I'm distraught.  I don't have the internet at home (long story) so I'm now restricted to using Facebook mobile, which is fine for checking who's poked you and for sending / recieving messages but that's about the limit.
I've just discovered they've also blocked, which is inconvenient, although not the end of the world (the fact I'm posting this and am at work is evidence that they can't shut me up!).
It's so pathetic - they've made us all redundant so we're basically just working out our notice, and now we've got nothing to keep us occupied in any slack time / breaks - there's only so much enjoyment to be had from flicking rubber bands at people making coffee in the little kitchen across from my desk.
I can obviously understand why they do it, but that's not the point. 
Anyway, I need other things to do.  So far I've come up with:
  • Sculpting things out of blu-tack, or, in the absence of blu-tack, bogies.
  • Forwarding my phone to the emergency phone in the lift for shits and giggles
  • Writing blog posts
  • Thinking up ways to kill the IT department (I'm thinking goat poison in their tea)
Notice how none of the things to do involve work?  :o)

Saturday, August 04, 2007


So, toast. I can't believe I've been doing this for nearly two years and haven't dedicated a post to toast already.

Toast is, of course, amazing. I could quite happily live on toast with peanut butter (and tea or milkshake), although I'm not sure how healthy that would be.

Most people think toast is a relatively new idea, but it has in fact been around almost as long as man. It's steeped in history is toast, and in fact has been pivotal in some of the most important moments in history to date.

Many people believe Marie Antoinette, Queen consort to Louis XVI, once said "let them eat cake" in response to news that there was no bread for the poor to eat. This is, in fact, erroneous - there was in fact a cake shortage, and the actual response was "let them eat toast".

Toast is also key in the history of Nazi Germany. "The night of the long knives" in 1934 is a somewhat misleading name for the assasination of the SA on Hitler's orders. Although it is true that around 85 people were murdered, the event should really be called "The night of the burnt toast", as it was burnt toast that enraged Hitler so much that he deemed the slaughter of Kohl's SA necessary.

I could give other examples but we'd be here all day.

Nowadays of course, toast generally appears in popular culture as opposed to mass murders (although I'm sure Harold Shipman liked the odd round of toast), generally in comedy (Red Dwarf, Peter Kay etc.). Even so it doesn't seem to get the recognition it deserves. Which is sad. Next time you're enjoying toast, remember how special that bit of warm bread is.

I'm off for some toast....

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Leaving, on a jet plane

I have no problem with flying, other than the food and the lack of stuff to do on a long flight, natch. It's a perfectly safe way of travelling.

Obviously things do go wrong occasionally, and I'm sure we're all familiar with the standard crash position of head between your legs. Most people think tht the crash position is supposed to stop you coming to harm, but that's not actually the case. Apparently (and I have no reason not to believe this is true) the position is designed to protect your jaw so your body can be identified by your dental records. Which is nice. It's definitely something to talk about next time you get stuck next to a nervous flyer on a long-haul flight.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Madness I tell you, madness!

I was about to write something but before I do, something else just popped in to my head - if Holland is the Netherlands, does that make Dutch towns Nether Regions? Hmmmm.

Anyway, moving on (quickly) - people say that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, but I'm not so sure. I went drinking last Friday with a load of people I'd never met before other than through chatting to them online. That to me seems like the first sign of madness - I was fully expecting to be given some robes and a suicide pill before the end of the evening.

As it turned out it was a great evening - I got to meet some very nice people and chat about bees, which is always the mark of a good night. Ok so I fell asleep on the train and ended up with a fifty quid cab fare home but these things happen.

The thing is, I basically learnt that by grabbing life by the balls you can have a lot of fun.

So, whether it's badger baiting with David Attenborough, poking sharks or throwing rocks at wasp nests, just get out there and do it, before you miss your chance. Otherwise who knows what you'll miss out on.

Next time on 'stating the fucking obvious....'

Sunday, July 22, 2007


It's a lovely day, I'm sat in the garden in the sunshine the morning after an almighty pissup that saw the best part of an off-license consumed by about seven people. We've tidied up, done the washing up and got the barbeque back out for a nice healthy breakfast of burgers, sausages and more lager.

Of course, days like this are always marred by one of the most pointless creatures on the planet (no, not Jodie Marsh) - wasps.

Just what is the point of them. They fly around, trying to go for a swim in your pint and stinging people for no apparent reason. The little shits. Bees I don't have a problem with, they pollenate flowers and make honey (for more information on this see Eddie Izzard's 'Unrepeatble' DVD), and spiders catch flies and make gravy. Wasps however should all die.

Mind you, it wouldn't be summer without them would it, and you can always get them pissed on Vodka and watch them fly shakily across the beer garden. Which is always good for shits and giggles.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Badger badger badger badger

I went to a wedding yesterday, out in the sticks at some golf club or other. It was a lovely sunny day and a good time was had by all. Even the groom.

A few of us had to leave early (ish) as we had a bit of a drive and a Metallica gig today so we jumped in the car and headed off down one of the country lanes back towards civilisation and a lack of golfing slacks. As we came around a corner we saw something fairly large in the road. Too big for a fox it took us a couple of seconds to process what we were seeing, and then all three of us in the car shouted in unison "it's a fucking BADGER!".

We've all always wanted to see a real badger, and there it was, jogging across our path! It's only taken 29 years but I can tick that goal off my 'things to do before I die' list. Happy days indeed

Monday, June 25, 2007

Social networking - killing social lives?

I'm currently a member of three social networking sites on the web - MySpace, Facebook (poke!) and Fridaycities London, which you probbaly won't have heard of but that doesn't matter because you can only join if you're invited. Fridaycities is more like a forum than something like Facebook but you have a profile and stuff like that too.

The amount of time one can spend interacting with people in various ways on these sites is quite scary - you can easily rack up a good few hours an evening - especially if a decent topic of conversation comes up on a forum type site like FCL.

The thing is, it's so easy to spend huge amounts of time on these types of sites that you could potentially end up spending more time interacting with people online than actually interacting with people down the pub. Which is sad.

I would head down the pub, but I've got to check to see if anyone's poked me on Facebook....

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm back

Yeah yeah, I know. It's been far too long since I last posted, but you get to read this shit for free so you can't really complain if I don't write for a few weeks can you? No.

I guess part of the problem is that my creative talent is currently being stretched across a number of outlets - there's the blog, the email I send out to my work colleagues every week, a website that I post on fairly regularly, the pub.... Lame excuse? Probably, but apparently I'm Emo, which I suppose would at least explain the apathy.....

So this week I've been looking after my brothers cat, and it's been a complete nightmare. I've looked after cats before and had no problems, but my brother's cat, Hector, is a complete bastard. Seriously, I'm ready to kill him - I've already considered giving him away to the first person that wants him. I've compiled a list to show what I mean:

Hector's crimes

  • Crying every time I shut a door behind me for some peace and quiet / to eat dinner
  • Biting me
  • Biting my girlfriend
  • Malting (whilst sitting in the bath)
  • Drinking my milkshake from my glass
  • Putting the laces of my converse in the milkshake after I stopped him drinking it
  • Headbutting my hand whilst I was pouring out his food causing me to spill biscuits all over the floor
  • Trying to eat my sunglasses
  • Shitting on my brothers' bed

Yes, that does say shitting, not sitting.

So, if anyone wants a free Persian Blue please let me know, I'll stick him in the post.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Norwich Union scare tactics

I've just seen possibly the most threatening advert in history. IT was for Norwich Union insurance. Basically there was a family playing in the garden with Ross Kemp looking at them, then he turns to the camera and says something like "Family are the most important thing in your life".

So unless I'm much mistaken, Norwich Union are basically saying if you don't take out their insurance they're going to send Ross Kemp around to kill your family. Which is nice.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

100th post

That's right kids, this is my 100th post! It hardly seems possible that this blog survived that long! It just proves people will read any old shit on the internet really doesn't it?

I'm going to quickly have a rant because I'm so very fed up with South Eastern Trains - they really are shite. I used to think "oh well, at least they're better than Connex" but this morning I decided they aren't (well, except for the fact that they're not French I suppose).

This morning I was trying to get in to work, it was cold and I really fancied a nice cup of tea (because I'm that rock 'n' roll) and the train was over half an hour late. Then they decided that because it was late they'd stop it before it finished it's advertised route.... Apparently some cock-smoker had jumped in front of a train in London, which is almost a valid excuse, although personally I don't see how it can take half an hour to hose down a train and sweep up a few bits of body.

Anyway, I'm going to stop ranting now, back to my happy place!!! So I'm looking at buying a new laptop, and I've decided to finally take the plunge into the unknown and buy a Mac. Expect a few posts about how that goes sometime in the not-too-distant future....

So, that's basically the 100th post over and done with.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

How to destroy unwanted (or wanted) documents

I discovered a new way of destroying office documents today. Forget shredding, I actually made a certificate completely disappear! How? Simple really. Take one laminator, turn up to the hottest setting it has, and feed a document in to the front. Twenty seconds or so later, you have no document. Seriously, the certificate went in the front and nothing came out of the back, it just got smaller and smaller.

It was quite interesting to watch, although the fact it was my only copy of the certificate made it somewhat less amusing than it should have been. Mind you, the people who ran the course will probably laugh their arses off when they see my email requesting a new one on the basis I melted the original.

There is of course one drawback with this method of document destruction – you get through laminators in no time….


Since I posted this I've managed to have the laminator dismantled and the document retrieved - the laminator is ok but the certificate is somewhat crinkly. I'd upload a photo but the upload's not working - I've probably broken the proxy server now. Ever had one of those days? I'm off down the pub....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sky high

There was a thing on the news earlier about this glass-bottomed walkway thing the Americans have stuck on the edge of the Grand Canyon. I know the Grand Canyon is one of the seven natural wonders of the world but a glass-bottomed walkway 1,200 metres above nothing? Fuck that! I'm sure the view's amazing but you would not get me on that thing for love nor money.

Obviously I'm a big wuss but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who couldn't give a shit about looking straight down at over a click of nothing, so I give it a day or two before someone starts charging tourists twenty bucks to walk the loop with their camcorder....

I'm back!

It’s been ages since I posted anything, and for that, I’m sorry. It’s been a busy old time recently, what with week long piss-ups (erm, I mean week long training courses), and gigs and all manner of other shit.

Talking of gigs, Metallica are coming up – tickets on sale tomorrow morning! Seeing as I missed out on seeing Metallica for free last time they were in London I’m going to be doing everything I can to get my grubby little mitts on tickets for this show, especially as it’s at Wembley Arena. Is it just me that thinks the new stadium looks like a giant bear trap? I certainly wouldn’t want to meet the bear that’s for sure…..

Anyway, normal service will be resumed very shortly.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Yes, I am a geek

My boss gave me a new task yesterday - spec out the kit I want for my new workstation, Obviously being a professional sort of chap I enquired about my budget, the reply being "don't worry too much, but obviously within reason". So, effectively as long as I don't start requesting liquid-nitrogen-cooled quad core processors and the like I've pretty much got free reign.

To put this in to context, that's like putting a kid in the Haribo factory and telling them "You can eat as much as you like, as long as you're not sick in the starmix".

I've checked the Alienware site, but I'm not sure I can get away with £3,500 PC's. Especially as I want two. So far, I've specified two desktop PCs with at least a Gig of RAM, decent processors, four flat screen monitors (two for each machine) and the necessary graphics cards, keyboard splitters etc.

I'm expecting my IT department to begin laughing any moment now......

Friday, February 09, 2007


There's a bix box of spoons in the kitchen at work, and because it's on top of the microwave and I'm too lazy to move the box I tend to have to reach up and rummage through the box to get a spoon to stir my tea. It struck me today, it's like the worst tombola ever. You have won..... A SPOON! A cheap plastic spoon at that.

Jesus I need to get out more.....

Monday, January 29, 2007


I don't know what it is but I seem to have an uncanny knack for being able to choose exactly the wrong queue in the supermarket. It happened today, I chose the shortest queue and got stuck behind some stupid bint who wanted to check the prices on half her shopping, kept changing her mind about what she wanted and spent five minutes trying to work out whether all her packets of Twix' had the same number of bars in them. Seriously, what's all that about?

The thing is, it's not like this happens once every now and then, it's every time I'm in a shop - I either end up behind the bastard who decides to pay in pennies, or I get the till operator who's obviously been doing the job since about five minutes before I got there, or they need a price check on a grape.

The thing is the 'scan it yourself' lane is just as bad - I start scanning my items with a smug 'this is easy this, any mug could do it' look on my face and without fail I scan something, the screen displays a message saying I'm a fuckwit and a big red light on a pole starts flashing to make absolutely sure everyone within twenty feet of me can see I can't cope with scanning a few groceries. I then have to wait for a member of staff to come and bail me out, during which time I could have gone through a normal till.

I did consider doing my grocery shoping online, but that's a different story. Supermarkets? Arsemarkets more like. Meh!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Toe nails and God

I'm sure it's obvious from a quick scan through my previous posts that I often think about things that really aren't desrving of that much time, and, inevitably, I've been at it again. I've been considering why it is that finger nails grow so much more quickly than toe nails. I seem to be forever cutting my finger nails in order to ensure I don't end up with talons that would make an eagle owl jealous, but toe nails just seem to say 'Meh, we'll grow later, we're busy doing secret toe nail things'.

The thing is (and this is where you'll think I've totally lost the plot but bear with me), whilst pondering the differences in finger and toe nails, I realised that this discrepancy in growth rates can be used to finally prove the non-existence of God.

Seriously, think about it logically for a second. Scientists would argue the discrepancy is due to evolution, probably something to do with needing long claws on your hands to attack prey whilst needing shorter claws on your feet so you can run away when you (a small baboon for example) attack a larger predator (say, a hippopotamus). Your local vicar on the other hand will argue evolution doesn't exist and that we were all created by God. Now, I'm fairly certain that when creating man God wouldn't have thought 'I know, for shits and giggles I'm going to make finger nails grow four times as fast as toe nails', it's just not the sort of thing that would cross your mind is it?

Therefore, my hypothesis is that evolution must be the cause, and as evolution doesn't leave room for the whole creationist argument, God can't exist, Q.E.D.

Of course, this is just a theory, it may be God was in a jesting mood the day he decided on growth rates for nails, hair and teeth.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Where I work the gents are just along from reception, and recently I've started to experience a weird paranoia. I've started to wonder whether the receptionists notice how long people are in the loo, and whether they sit there wondering just why someone was in there for 12 minutes....

Do they notice when people come out looking slightly pale after a particularly troublesome forest, for instance? Receptionists know everyone and everything, and I wouldn't be suprised if our receptionists know the ins and, more specifically, the outs, of peoples erm, business.

I really do need to stop worrying about things like this, maybe it's finally time to go support the freeing of those whales that are trapped under the ice. Oh hang on, that was 1988.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Getting older

I'm feeling old today. Normally I feel old because lots of my friends are loads younger than me, but today it's because it's half eight in the evening and my hangover still hasn't cleared.

I seem to remember when I was younger hangovers could be cleared with a couple of tablets but these days even a combination of fruit smoothies, tablets, bacon sandwiches and lying very still doesn't seem to work...

The worst thing is that, being old, my brain stops functioning too (except the bit that generates paranoia) so even simple tasks like making dinner suddenly become complex feats way beyond my grasp. As for writing a blog post, that's all but impossible. Which is why this post sucks. I'm off to drink strawberry milkshake and lie very still.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Wishing Tree

I'll never tire of knocking Michael Jackson... :o)

Monday, January 15, 2007

TV really has taken a dive

Taken from today's TV listing:

19:30 - Grow your own Veg

Carol Klein explores root vegetables before embarking on a parsnip safari.

Now, unless 'explores toot vegetables' is a euphemism for something which shouldn't be on TV before the watershed, I can't even begin to comprehend why this show was ever commissioned. Is anyone that dull that they would watch this? Also, what the hell is a parsnip safari? I'm assuming this is where you see parsnips in their natural environment (so looking at parsnips in a field then) as opposed to in a zoo (the supermarket).

Surely anyone can find something better to do with half an hour of their lives?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


According to the news, most of Manhattan currently smells of natural gas. The authorities reckon there's no gas leak, which means it must be something else.

Being America, there's only one thing it can be. The US government has released a special mind-control drug across the borough, and is going to turn the inhabitants of Manhattan in to killer automotons, who are going to be used to invade middle-eastern countries as part of the 'War to get control of oil' (a.k.a. the war on terror). You wait and see....

Friday, January 05, 2007

2007 - Chinese year of the cack

Well, a new year has begun, and with it comes a fresh lack of inspiration / writers block / apathy. I'm sure it'll pass though, it normally does... The whole thing may be due to MySpace slowly taking over my life - a friend of mine tempted me over to the dark side and, I hate to admit it, I'm now hooked. I can't quite place my finger on what it is but it's got something.... Rest assured though my blog will be remaining here for two very good reasons:

  1. I can blog from the train / couch / brothel via my phone with Blogger
  2. The blogging feature on MySpace is cack
Which reminds me, I've decided that the word 'cack' isn't used as much as it should be any more. If you're struggling for an easy new years resolution, why not endeavour to use 'cack' at least once a day?