Monday, August 06, 2007

My IT department are bastards

I got in to work last Friday to discover Facebook has been blocked at work.  I'm distraught.  I don't have the internet at home (long story) so I'm now restricted to using Facebook mobile, which is fine for checking who's poked you and for sending / recieving messages but that's about the limit.
I've just discovered they've also blocked, which is inconvenient, although not the end of the world (the fact I'm posting this and am at work is evidence that they can't shut me up!).
It's so pathetic - they've made us all redundant so we're basically just working out our notice, and now we've got nothing to keep us occupied in any slack time / breaks - there's only so much enjoyment to be had from flicking rubber bands at people making coffee in the little kitchen across from my desk.
I can obviously understand why they do it, but that's not the point. 
Anyway, I need other things to do.  So far I've come up with:
  • Sculpting things out of blu-tack, or, in the absence of blu-tack, bogies.
  • Forwarding my phone to the emergency phone in the lift for shits and giggles
  • Writing blog posts
  • Thinking up ways to kill the IT department (I'm thinking goat poison in their tea)
Notice how none of the things to do involve work?  :o)

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