Sunday, September 04, 2005


Before I start pouring my innermost (and for the most thought very strange) thoughts out for the world to see, I'll start by introducing myself and letting you know a little bit about me.

My name's Rich, I live in the south east of England, I'm approaching 30 at about the same rate that my hairline is approaching the back of my head, and I work as an analyst for a third party administrator for mortgages, which is easily as boring as it sounds.

I'm anticipating that this blog will become an outlet for the strange, funny, hideously self-loathing, happy, sad and somewhat scary thoughts that form the veritable minefield that is my mind, I'm hoping that you'll find the majority of the content entertaining, or at the very least, worth reading when you've got a spare five minutes and can't think of anything constuctive to do.

I'd just like to say hi and thanks to those closest to me who have to suffer me on a a regular basis, and who don't have the luxury of clicking File > Close when they've had enough. Without you guys, I'm lost.

More soon.