Tuesday, September 20, 2005


It’s been a good few weeks since I made my first post on here, and since then I’ve managed to not post a single word. Some might put it down to laziness, others perhaps a complete lack of any creative thoughts over the last few weeks, or some may feel it’s because it’s hard to post to your blog when your boss sits behind you. I’m going to go with the laziness thing.

As I write this I’m sat in the office, trying very hard not to fall asleep. It’s not that I’m bored, it’s more the fact I’m exhausted through lack of sleep, the main cause of this insomnia seeming to be a lot of nightmares in recent weeks. I decided to have a quick poke around on Google to see if I could find out what could be causing me to have all these nightmares, and stumbled upon the following:

Characteristics of the frequent nightmare sufferer.

Previous research has found that persons who experience frequent nightmares score highly on scales that measure psychotic symptomatology. Neurotic symptoms have also been implicated as correlates of nightmare frequency…..

So, in other words, I’m a neurotic psychotic. It’s quite a harsh diagnosis I feel, but then I suppose I would feel hard done by and perhaps just a little angry, after all, I’m psychotic and neurotic.

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