Thursday, November 10, 2005

Christmas shopping

I make it about six and a half weeks until Christmas, which is scary because I’ve only just realised that and I haven’t even thought about Christmas shopping. I love Christmas, what with the family gatherings, parties and that sort of thing, but I hate Christmas shopping. Actually, hate isn’t strong enough a word, maybe loathe would be better.

I find shopping a stressful experience at the best of times, and the extra crowds in the run up to Christmas fill me with a sense of dread. Over the years I’ve managed to make the experience slightly less stressful by limiting my shopping to one shop for all the presents – Boots 3 for 2 has been a lifesaver for me – but I still seem to spend hours walking around the same few aisles trying to find suitable gifts.

This year things are going to be different. This year, I’m doing all my Christmas shopping online. This seems to me to be a cunning way of avoiding all the things I hate, nay, loathe, about the Christmas shopping experience, whilst still allowing me to purchase suitable gifts for my friends and family.

I hope everyone wants stuff from eBay...

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